10 Life Hacks You Won’t Believe You Haven’t Tried Yet

In our fast-paced world, we’re always looking for ways to simplify our lives and make everyday tasks more efficient. While many life hacks have become common knowledge, there are still some ingenious tricks that fly under the radar. Here are ten life hacks that you probably haven’t tried yet but will wonder how you ever lived without once you do.

The “Burrito” Folding Method for Fitted Sheets

We’ve all struggled with folding fitted sheets, often resorting to wadding them up and stuffing them in the linen closet. But there’s a better way: the “burrito” folding method. Here’s how it works:

  1. Lay the sheet flat with the elastic facing up.
  2. Fold it in half, tucking the corners into each other.
  3. Fold it in half again, repeating the corner-tucking process.
  4. Roll the sheet tightly from one end to the other, like a burrito.
  5. Tuck the remaining elastic edge into the roll.

The result is a neat, compact cylinder that’s easy to store and keeps your fitted sheets wrinkle-free. This method not only saves space but also makes it much easier to identify and retrieve sheets when you need them.

Use a Wooden Spoon to Prevent Pots from Boiling Over

If you’ve ever had to clean up a messy stovetop after a pot boiled over, this hack is for you. Simply place a wooden spoon across the top of your pot while it’s cooking. The wood disrupts the surface tension of the bubbles as they rise, causing them to burst before they can spill over the sides. This works especially well for starchy foods like pasta or potatoes. Just remember to use a wooden spoon, as metal or plastic may conduct heat and become too hot to touch.

Organize Cables with Toilet Paper Rolls

In our tech-driven world, cable management can be a nightmare. Here’s a simple solution: save your empty toilet paper rolls. These cardboard tubes are perfect for organizing cables and cords. Simply coil up each cable, slip it into a toilet paper roll, and label it. You can even color-code them or decorate the rolls to match your decor. This method keeps cables tangle-free and makes it easy to find the one you need without sifting through a jumbled mess.

Use a Rubber Band to Open Stubborn Jar Lids

We’ve all encountered a jar lid that seems impossible to budge. Before you resort to running it under hot water or tapping it with a knife, try this: wrap a thick rubber band around the edge of the lid. The rubber provides extra grip, making it much easier to twist off even the most stubborn lids. This method works on everything from pickle jars to bottled water and is gentler on your hands than traditional methods.

Cure Hiccups with a Paper Towel and Water

Hiccups can be annoying and sometimes even painful. While there are countless folk remedies out there, this one is backed by science. Place a paper towel over a glass of water and drink through it. The extra effort required to suck the water through the paper towel forces you to control your diaphragm, often stopping hiccups in their tracks. It’s a simple, effective method that doesn’t involve any of the discomfort associated with being startled or holding your breath.

Use a Dryer Sheet to Clean Baseboards

Cleaning baseboards is a tedious task, but it’s essential for maintaining a tidy home. Here’s a hack that makes it easier: use a dryer sheet. The anti-static properties of dryer sheets help repel dust and pet hair, keeping your baseboards cleaner for longer. Simply wipe the baseboard with a dryer sheet, and you’ll notice that dust accumulates much more slowly. As a bonus, it leaves behind a pleasant scent.

Amplify Your Phone’s Alarm with a Glass

If you’re a heavy sleeper or just want to make sure you don’t miss an important alarm, try this hack: place your phone in an empty glass when you set your alarm. The glass acts as an amplifier, making the alarm sound significantly louder. This is especially useful when you’re traveling and may not be used to your surroundings, or if you’re sleeping in a noisy environment.

Use Nail Polish to Color-Code Keys

If you have multiple keys that look similar, it can be frustrating to find the right one quickly. Here’s a simple solution: use nail polish to color-code your keys. Assign a different color to each key (e.g., red for home, blue for office, green for car), and paint a small dot or stripe on the head of each key. This makes it easy to identify the correct key at a glance, even in low light conditions. Plus, nail polish is durable and won’t chip off easily.

Freeze Aloe Vera for Instant Sunburn Relief

Sunburns can be painful and take days to heal. For quick relief, try this hack: freeze aloe vera gel in an ice cube tray. When you get a sunburn, pop out an aloe cube and gently rub it on the affected area. The combination of the cooling ice and the soothing properties of aloe vera provides instant relief and helps speed up the healing process. It’s a great way to prepare for summer and ensure you always have sunburn relief on hand.

Use a Tension Rod to Create Extra Storage Space

Maximize storage in small spaces with this clever hack: install a tension rod in your cabinet or under your sink. These rods are inexpensive, easy to install, and don’t require any drilling. Once in place, you can use them to hang spray bottles, cleaning cloths, or even small baskets. This creates an extra level of storage and keeps frequently used items easily accessible. It’s particularly useful in bathrooms and kitchens where storage space is often at a premium.


These life hacks may seem simple, but they can have a significant impact on your daily life. From making household chores easier to solving common annoyances, these tricks are designed to save you time, effort, and frustration. The beauty of life hacks is that they often use everyday items in creative ways, meaning you don’t need to invest in expensive gadgets or tools to make your life easier.

As you incorporate these hacks into your routine, you’ll likely find yourself looking at everyday objects in a new light, wondering what other creative solutions might be hiding in plain sight. Remember, the best life hacks are those that address your specific needs and lifestyle, so don’t be afraid to experiment and adapt these ideas to suit your unique situation.

Ultimately, the goal of life hacks is to simplify your daily routine, giving you more time and energy to focus on the things that truly matter. Whether it’s spending more quality time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or simply enjoying a moment of relaxation, these small efficiency gains can add up to a significant improvement in your overall quality of life.

So why not give these hacks a try? You might be surprised at how much easier life becomes when you have a few clever tricks up your sleeve. And who knows? You might even come up with a few innovative life hacks of your own along the way.